Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Create Many Accounts in Facebook Using 1 Email ID

If Facebook or any other Forum/website block your account then what will you do at that time, if you have no other email id.
This is a very simple trick. For that trick you must have a Gmail ID. You can create many more account in facebook or other forum with one Gmail ID.

How to Do this.:
  1. Create an email id in Gmail or If you have an existing email the you can use it.
  2. Signup Facebook with that Gmail id.
  3. Then a confirmation email will sent to your Gmail id, you can active your account in this email.
  4. If you want to create an another account with same Email id, then follow the below steps.
  • suppose your email id is , then in the Signup box put it like this:

  • You can use many dots (.) in your Gmail in Signup process.
  • You can also use , you can add many number as you like after Plus (+).
  • After that the confirmation email will send to your main email id (
Create many accounts in Facebook or other Forums with one Email id.
(For any problem comment below)

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